
What Should I Do if I Experience Memory Loss After a Car Accident in Texas?

Memory loss after a car accident is not uncommon and can be very frightening to go through. A lawyer can help you prepare your case based on what you can remember and evidence about the accident.

If you experience memory loss after a car accident, you should seek medical attention immediately. Memory loss is often associated with serious brain injuries, and you need to see a doctor right away. Sometimes, memory loss affects memories after the accident. In other cases, injured victims cannot remember events from before the crash. In either circumstance, memory loss might affect your ability to identify other drivers and witnesses or testify about your experience with the crash. Memory loss might also affect your damage. Losing your memory can be traumatic, and we can claim your memory loss as a factor in your non-economic damages for pain and suffering.

Memory loss after a car crash is possible and can complicate your claim for damages. Our Arlington car accident lawyers can help you work around your memory loss. For a free case review, call The Queenan Law Firm, P.C. at (817) 476-1797.

What to Do if You Experience Memory Loss After Being Injured in a Car Accident in Texas

Memory loss is not always immediately apparent after a crash. In severe cases, a certain degree of memory loss might be expected. For example, many crash survivors report driving down the road and the next thing they knew, they woke up in the hospital. If your memory does not return, or you realize you have lost a larger chunk of time on your memories, you should get medical attention immediately.

Memory loss is often a symptom of a brain injury. Your doctor might have examined you for possible brain injuries when you first went to the hospital, but memory loss might indicate something more serious. Even if the doctor does not find anything new, you should still visit them so your memory loss is properly documented in your medical records, which we might need as evidence later.

A doctor can also help you determine if the memory loss is a long-term problem or if it will resolve quickly. If your memory loss is expected to persist, you might encounter some complications with your potential lawsuit. Our Dallas car accident lawyers can help you move your case forward despite your memory loss.

Types of Memory Loss After a Car Accident in Texas

Memory loss is somewhat unpredictable. Some crash survivors do not experience any memory loss despite serious brain injuries, while others do. Our Fort Worth car accident attorneys can help you get compensation for the pain you have endured, including memory loss.

Memory loss that affects your memories after the accident is sometimes called post-traumatic memory loss. People who experience this kind of memory loss often cannot recall the events of the crash or those that followed shortly after. If you only remember driving and then waking up in the hospital, you might be experiencing post-traumatic memory loss.

Another form of memory loss is sometimes called retrograde memory loss and affects your memories from before the accident occurred. This kind of memory loss can be very frightening, as people might lose large chunks of time from before the accident.

Can Memory Loss After a Car Accident Hinder a Lawsuit in Texas?

Memory loss is a scary thing to endure. To make matters more complicated, memory loss might impact your lawsuit. Our Texas car accident attorneys can help you build a strong case and get compensation with or without memory loss.

Memory loss might prevent you from identifying the defendant. In some car accident cases, there are no other witnesses, and the plaintiff is the only person who saw the defendant. If the defendant fled the scene, there might be nobody else who can verify their identity. Memory loss might prevent you from positively identifying the defendant, and our attorneys might need to find other evidence to establish the defendant’s identity.

Memory loss also might hinder your testimony about what you experienced during the accident. Many injured plaintiffs take the witness stand to testify about what they experienced during and after the accident. This testimony might include details about the defendant’s negligence and your damages. If you cannot remember anything, or your memory is limited, your testimony might be less impactful.

Memory loss might also affect our ability to track down witnesses. Witnesses do not always come forward on their own, and we might need your help finding people who were at the crash scene. Memory loss might prevent us from finding these witnesses. Our Houston car accident lawyers can work with law enforcement and police reports to try to find witnesses and other evidence.

How Memory Loss Might Affect Your Recoverable Damages After a Texas Car Accident

While memory loss can hinder certain aspects of your case, we might claim your memory loss as part of your overall damages. Memory loss might be a symptom of a larger underlying brain injury, and damages for treatment, pain, and suffering are all on the table. Our Irving car accident attorneys can help you get the most compensation possible for all your injuries and damages.

How your memory loss impacts your overall damages calculations often depends on the severity of your memory loss. In severe cases, plaintiffs might have lost large chunks of time or even have difficulty forming new memories after the accident. Their memory loss might also relate to severe brain injuries that require extensive and costly medical treatment. Your economic and non-economic damages should account for your memory loss.

Your medical records are paramount to proving damages related to memory loss. These records should contain details about your medical treatment and costs. They can also be used to support your claims that your memory loss caused you significant emotional anguish and suffering.

Call Our Texas Car Accident Lawyers for a Free Case Evaluation

Memory loss after a car accident is physically and emotionally traumatic and might impact numerous facets of your daily life. Call our Plano car accident lawyers for help with your case. For a free case review, call The Queenan Law Firm, P.C. at (817) 476-1797.