
Midland, TX Oil Drilling Accident Lawyer

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    Accidents at oil drilling sites are sometimes incredibly dangerous. Many roughnecks and other oil workers spend entire workdays out in the hot sun under harsh working conditions and are prone to serious injuries or conditions from heatstroke, dehydration, or other effects. On top of this, the risk of serious injury is always present, from the potential for heavy machinery accidents to chemical exposure and fires.

    If you or a loved one was injured while working at an oil drilling site, call The Queenan Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation on your case. Whether you were injured at an oil drilling site on land or on an offshore oil rig, our attorneys may be able to help you file a claim to seek compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. If a member of your family was killed, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit. For help with your case, contact our law offices today at (817) 476-1797.

    Common Oil Drilling Injuries for Roughnecks and Roustabouts

    Drillers, roughnecks, roustabouts, and other workers at a drilling site are commonly at risk for serious injuries. Many of these jobs include hard, manual labor that puts workers at risk for on the job injuries. These injuries vary from job to job and job site to job site, but any of the following injuries are common risks at oil and natural gas drilling sites:

    Heavy Machinery Injuries

    Working with heavy machinery like drills and other equipment can be quite dangerous. Machinery may not have auto-stop features if you get in its way, meaning that sleeves or pant legs, or even fingers and limbs, can get caught in the moving parts. It is not uncommon for these kinds of machinery injuries to leave victims with serious amputation injuries or crushing injuries and broken bones. Many of these injuries can be quite severe and may make it impossible to return to work with the same responsibilities and physical demands you had before your injury.

    Chemical Exposure

    Working with oil means working around hazardous chemicals throughout much of the day. If you do not work directly with oil, you may still handle other chemicals used to treat oil or clean up spills, tools, or clothes. These chemicals can be hazardous if they get on your skin, in your eyes, or in your mouth. Oil itself can cause irritation and burning, which could cause injuries, and other chemicals may be even more dangerous.


    The risk of fire at a drilling site is always present. With crude oil being extracted and potentially exposed, any open flames or sparks could potentially catch the oil on fire. If not properly contained, these kinds of disasters can be catastrophic, especially on offshore oil rigs. If you have oil on your clothes or skin, it may be impossible to get away from the flames, and you could suffer serious third-degree burns. This often requires painful and careful medical treatment, often involving skin grafts.

    Lifting and Carrying Injuries

    Though these injuries do not sound as severe as some of the other ones listed here, these are some of the most common on-the-job injuries in the country. Lifting and moving equipment or exerting yourself to maneuver or manipulate tools and equipment can put a lot of strain on your back. Back injuries can happen to anyone, especially people who already have back problems. These injuries can leave you laid-up for days and may make it impossible to go back to work while you recover.

    Suing for Damages After an Oil Drilling Injury

    If you were injured at an oil drilling site, you may be entitled to file a lawsuit for your injuries. Some situations may require you to file with workers’ compensation, but you should always speak to an oil drilling injury lawyer to see if you can file an injury lawsuit instead. When you file an injury lawsuit, you may be entitled to additional damages that you may not seek through an insurance claim or workers’ comp. claim.

    When a workplace accident causes you serious injuries, you may need expensive medical treatment, you may miss work, and you may suffer physically and mentally from the injury. Filing a lawsuit entitles you to claim damages for any of these harms. First, you can claim damages for the medical bills you face, including doctor’s visits, emergency treatment, physical therapy, and more. If you miss work or are unable to return to work, you can claim damages for any paychecks you missed and any earnings you will continue to miss out on because of your injury. If your pain and suffering was intense, you may be able to claim damages for the physical and emotional distress you face.

    If you lost a loved one in an oil drilling accident, you may be entitled to additional damages for their death and the other expenses and losses you face because of it.

    Midland Oil Worker Injury Attorneys Offering Free Consultations

    The Midland oil drilling lawyers at The Queenan Law Firm represent injured oil workers and their families in lawsuits against their employers. If you or a loved one was hurt while working at a drilling site, whether on land or offshore, contact our law offices today. Our attorneys offer free, no-obligation consultations to help injury victims understand their case and get the help they need. To schedule your free consultation, call The Queenan Law Firm today at (817) 476-1797.