
List of the Adoption Agencies in Fort Worth

Adoption is a wonderful and commendable option for people who are looking to grow their family. Prospective adoptive parents face a number of choices for how to go about the process. Each one depends on the applicant themselves and what they hope to accomplish.

There are hundreds of adoption agencies that service the greater Fort Worth area, each with their own merits and guidelines. However, you may choose a public adoption instead, which is facilitated through the government and may not require the help of an agency. If you hope to adopt a child from another state or country, you may also need to work with an adoption agency that is not located in Fort Worth.

No matter where you are in the adoption process or what concerns you may have, you stand to benefit from the seasoned counsel of The Queenan Law Firm, P.C. Our Dallas adoption lawyers offer free initial assessments to help you determine your options. To start your adoption process today, call us at (817) 476-1797.

Private vs. Public Adoption in Fort Worth

If you have decided to adopt, one of the first decisions that you will have to make is about whether you will use a private agency or utilize the public option. Public adoptions function similarly to those done through private entities, except the government administrates the process. Public adoption may be less expensive and can have additional benefits for prospective adoptive parents.

Private agencies can also have benefits. These services are typically more hands-on and can focus on specific desires that you might have for the process. However, private agencies be more specific in their requirements or selective of adoption candidates. For instance, many private agencies are associated with churches, and may require applicant parents to ascribe to their faith or be members of a particular congregation. Others may require applicants to meet criteria that state law does not, such as having a partner or a certain level of income. Some agencies only deal with children within a certain age range. You will have to wade through all of these specifics when choosing the right agency to work with.

Private Adoption Agencies that Operate in Fort Worth

If you are looking to adopt in Fort Worth, you have hundreds of options for agencies at your disposal. While all agencies must comply with the specific legal requirements for adoption in Texas and the United States generally, there are a number of ways in which each service differs from others. Below are just a few of the organizations that provide adoption services in Fort Worth.

There are many other options available to prospective adoptive and foster parents, and you should take the time to consider a few different options to decide which path is best for you. Our Fort Worth adoption lawyers have worked with many of these services in the past and would be happy act as a resource for you in this exciting time.

Interstate and International Adopting Process

If you choose public adoption or go through a private agency in Fort Worth, you will most likely be offered a child from Texas for adoption. This does not mean that your options will be limited. There are many Texas children who are looking for loving homes. However, if you wish to adopt from elsewhere in the world, you may have to go through an agency outside of the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

Adopting a child from another state means that you will have to comply with the laws of the state from which you are adopting in addition to Texas law. In many cases, the adoption regulations in another state may be the same, similar, or less restrictive than those in Texas. However, if there are additional requirements that you must meet for your interstate adoption, you should be aware of them early so that you don’t get too far into the process only to have your hopes crushed.

International adoptions are the most popular in the United States. They are also the most complicated, both in terms of logistics and cost. Many foreign countries have specific treaties with the United States that govern the adoption process. In many cases, hopeful adoptive parents will be required to travel to the country where they hope to adopt from, often more than once. This can mean dramatically different things for parents seeking an adoption from Canada than an adoption from Vietnam, for example. You will also likely have to coordinate with a stateside adoption agency, your local government, and the court system. It may take a few tries to succeed in an international adoption, so don’t give up if the process falls through the first time.

How Can a Fort Worth Adoption Attorney Help You?

After reading all of this, you may feel intimidated. Don’t be. Adoption is a wonderful endeavor and a chance to add love to your family. The Fort Worth adoption attorneys at The Queenan Law Firm, P.C. want to help. Parents who face the process of adoption can benefit from the legal services, logistical experience, and reassuring presence that we strive to provide for all of our clients.

Choosing an adoption agency is just the first step in a long but hopefully fulfilling process. You will most likely have to deal with government inspections and court issues that can be complicated if you’ve never encountered them before. Fortunately, our Houston adoption lawyers are well-versed in adoption laws and the legal requirements that accompany them.

The Queenan Law Firm, P.C. Can Help You with Adoption in Fort Worth Today

At The Queenan Law Firm, P.C., nothing provides us with more joy than seeing our clients achieve their adoption dreams. Call (817) 476-1797 today for free to hear more about the services that our Fort Worth adoption lawyers offer.