
Richardson, TX Car Accident Lawyer

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    Crashes and collisions on the road are very common, and people file lawsuits for accidents all the time. If you were injured in a crash, talk to our lawyers about what kind of fair compensation you might be entitled to.

    The first thing you should do after a car accident is call for help and report the accident to the police. Depending on injuries and vehicle damage, you might be legally required to report the accident as soon as possible. Once you report the crash, contact an attorney to discuss how to get compensation for your damages and injuries. You might only have 2 years to file a claim, depending on your unique circumstances. We can help you claim damages for medical bills, property damage, lost income from missing work, emotional suffering, physical pain, and other injuries and losses. To get started, contact an attorney to discuss legal options and begin gathering evidence to prepare your case.

    Get a confidential review of your case for free when you call our car accident attorneys at The Queenan Law Firm, P.C. at (817) 476-1797.

    Reporting Car Accidents to the Authorities in Richardson, TX

    After a collision on the highway, drivers often pull off to safety and call for help. In some cases, vehicles are so badly damaged that drivers must call for help because they cannot drive their cars away from the accident scene. However, not every accident is quite this severe. Drivers sometimes wonder, do I even need to report this accident?

    Reporting requirements for car accidents in Texas are found under Tex. Trans. Code § 55.026(a). If an accident involves physical injuries, death, or damage to a vehicle that prevents it from being safely operated, you must report the accident to the police.

    There is no specific time limit on reporting car accidents. The law states that drivers must report accidents by the “quickest means possible.” For some, this means calling the police right away. For others, it might mean contacting the police when they are released from the hospital.

    If the collision occurred within a municipality, you must report it to the local police department. If the accident occurred more than 100 feet outside a municipality, you may report it to the local police or the sheriff’s office. If you are not legally required to report the accident but wish to do so anyway, you may report it to the sheriff’s office or the nearest office or department.

    If you have not reported your accident, you might want to talk to an attorney first. Our car accident lawyers can help you prepare a personal injury claim to get fair compensation for your injuries and damages while explaining your situation to law enforcement.

    When to Contact a Lawyer About Your Car Accident in Richardson, TX

    It is imperative to get in touch with a lawyer about your case as soon as possible. There is a limited period of time in which you have to submit a case to the courts. If you accidentally wait too long, you might be barred from filing your case, and you may recover no damages.

    The Statute of Limitations

    The statute of limitations is the law that sets the time limit for filing a civil lawsuit. Different statutes of limitations may govern different types of claims. Car accident cases are often considered personal injury claims and fall under Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 16.003(a). Personal injury plaintiffs have only 2 years to file their claims in court.

    If you are not suing for your own injuries but are instead suing for the injuries and death of a loved one, your case might fall under Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 016.003(b). You would have 2 years from the date of death to file your case.

    Tolling the Limitation Period

    If you are unable to file your case before your time limit is up, there might be ways in which we can buy more time. Tolling the statute of limitations might pause the clock, but only for very specific reasons. According to Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 16.001(a), plaintiffs who cannot file due to a legal disability may have the limitation period tolled.

    Legal disabilities are defined to include those under 18 and people of “unsound mind.”

    Under Subsection B of the above-mentioned law, the time a plaintiff is under a legal disability is not factored into the limitations period. This means the statute of limitations would not begin to run until a minor plaintiff turns 18 or a mental disability subsides or is removed.

    If a disability arises after the cause of action, it does not suspend the limitations period. So, if a person becomes mentally disabled after a car accident, their disability will not toll the statute of limitations.

    How to Get Started on your Richardson, TX Car Accident Case with a Lawyer

    To get started on your case, call a lawyer to discuss legal options as soon as you can. People tend to hesitate to take legal action, and precious time might be lost. Even if you are not yet sure whether you want to take legal action, talk to an attorney. They can review numerous legal options and help you make an informed decision.

    Once you are ready to begin, we can start collecting evidence and information to draft the complaint. The complaint is the legal document that initiates the lawsuit. It is a very formal document and must contain specific details about the accident, your damages, and evidence. Your case might be rejected if the complaint is too vague or lacks evidence.

    Once the complaint is ready, you may file it with the right court and send notice of the case to the defendant. Notice requirements are very strict. If the defendant does not receive notice or the notice does not meet proper formatting requirements, your case might be in jeopardy.

    Speak to Our Richardson, TX Car Accident Lawyers for Help

    Get a confidential review of your case for free when you call our car accident attorneys at The Queenan Law Firm, P.C. at (817) 476-1797.