
The Dangers of Above-Ground Swimming Pools

Whether you have a temporary above-ground pool made of rubber and plastic, or a permanent above-ground pool constructed from wood, metal, and plastic, your family and guests could face serious risks. Many swimming pools hold over 100,000 gallons of water, and if the pool is poorly designed, improperly assembled, or made from weak materials, pools may not withstand the enormous pressure this water causes.
When above-ground pools break, people get injured. Additionally, many pools are difficult to access in an emergency if someone is drowning or needs assistance. These flaws may make these pools unsafe. In many cases, you may be able to hold the pool manufacturer responsible for poor design or construction of the pool. If you or a loved one was injured in an above-ground pool in Texas, talk to a personal injury attorney today. The Dallas swimming pool defect injury lawyers at The Queenan Law Firm, P.C., may be able to help.

Above-Ground Pool Risks

While many may see above-ground pools as a cheaper alternative – or a less permanent option – to an in-ground swimming pool, these pools carry serious risks. Some of the risks are the same as any in-ground pool, including the risk of drowning or hitting your head on the edge or bottom of the pool.

Other risks are more a part of the pool’s construction. First, since most above-ground pools stand at around 52-54 inches high (4 1/3-4 1/2 feet), it may be difficult to reach into the pool. In in-ground pools, people can reach or jump into the pool to assist swimmers who need help or begin drowning. In an above-ground pool, you likely need to climb the ladder, then enter the pool to reach those in need of help. These precious seconds could mean the difference between recovery and brain damage during a drowning. It may then be difficult to hoist the swimmer out of the pool to safety.

One of the most common problems with above-ground pools is wall failure. For many inflatable or temporary above-ground pools, the issue comes from walls that get punctured or pierced. A small hole can easily become a large tear, and the water in the pool can rush out. In these pools, people may also try to enter the pool by climbing up the wall. If the wall dips too low, the water may rush over the edge and continue to push out of the pool, collapsing the wall further.

With permanent walls, the risk of wall failure still exists. If the walls were improperly assembled, poorly designed, or contain some flaw, they could easily collapse from the force of the water they hold. Alternatively, if swimmer hang on the wall – from the inside or the outside – they could accidentally pull the wall down. With most ladders mounted on the outside wall of the pool, this could even occur through normal use of the latter if there is too much stress on the wall.

Above-Ground Swimming Pool Injuries

The risks of drowning are commonly known, but readers may not understand the serious effects that occur even in non-deadly drownings. While death by drowning is one of the most common causes of accidental death, it can cause non-fatal injuries as well. The chest pain from breathing water may only be the beginning. Every second that your brain goes without oxygen creates additional risk of permanent brain damage from hypoxia.

While the idea of riding the water that floods out of a collapsing pool may be the topic of dozens of online videos, and may seem fun, it can also cause serious injuries for swimmers and bystanders. The water contained in a large above-ground pool can be over 25,000 gallons of water. This means over 208,500 pounds of water rushing out of the pool at high speed. A puncture or tear in a plastic wall, or the collapse or failure of a wooden wall, could direct this water flow toward bystanders or swimmers near the pool. Those in the pool could also be pushed out.

This water is difficult to predict, and could easily push people to the ground, push them into other objects, push them into each other, or keep them submerged by the current. While this can increase the risk of drowning, it also increases the risk of blunt-force injuries, cuts, scrapes, and broken bones. Being suddenly forced to the ground by a torrent of water can mean hitting your head and suffering traumatic brain injury, falling on your back or neck and suffering spinal cord injuries, or suffering dozens of other injuries, from cuts and scrapes to pulled ligaments and broken bones.

Dallas Above-Ground Pool Injury Lawyers

If you or a loved one was injured in an accident involving a defective above-ground pool in Texas, talk to an Arlington, TX personal injury lawyer today. The Dallas personal injury lawyers at The Queenan Law Firm may be able to take your case and help you recover compensation for your injuries from the pool manufacturers. For a free consultation on your case, call (817) 476-1797 today.